Training Reinforcement: Sustaining Security Awareness Year-Round


*Reinforce security awareness year-round; not just once-a-year.

*Use microlearning to keep security top-of-mind.

*Integrate security practices into daily operations.

*Recognize top performers and provide ongoing education.


In the fast-paced hospitality industry, security awareness training is vital for protecting guest data and maintaining compliance.

Although annual training may meet regulatory requirements, it can become limited to a “checking-the-box” exercise, that forgets the importance of security awareness.

To build a true security-first culture and ensure ongoing engagement and retention, training should be reinforced year-round.

In this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo, we’ll explore strategies for keeping security awareness top of mind throughout the year.

Microlearning Campaigns

To keep security top-of-mind without overwhelming employees, implement microlearning—brief, focused lessons that can be delivered regularly.

Quick sessions, designed to be reviewed in under a minute, should reinforce key concepts from security wwareness training, like social engineering tactics and role-specific best practices.

Microlessons can be delivered via email, such as VENZA’s Rocky’s Learning Corner, or provided in instructor-led packets for discussion during monthly meetings or team huddles.

To create a schedule that keeps employees engaged without causing fatigue, it’s essential to pre-plan your security reinforcement. Develop a monthly engagement strategy that complements, rather than repeats, the material covered in annual training.

Operational Integration

To make security a seamless part of daily routines, integrate security awareness into everyday tasks.

For instance, have management regularly check guest-facing workstations for exposed personally identifiable information (PII), or add “lockdown your workstation before breaks” to employee checklists. Embedding these practices into routine operations helps reinforce security habits without disrupting workflow.

Additionally, use visual reminders, such as posters in break rooms, to reinforce security protocols like securing guest information. Subtle reminders can weave security awareness concepts into the cultural fabric of your organisation.


Simulations—activities that mimic legitimate threats to test your employees’ susceptibility to malicious actions—offer an effective way to reinforce employees’ security knowledge in real-time.

Regularly running phishing simulations or social engineering scenarios helps identify vulnerabilities while reinforcing key lessons from security awareness training. Employees who respond correctly can be recognized, while those who fail simulations can be coached on how to improve their future responses.

To avoid fatigue, time these drills strategically throughout the year. Varying the types of simulations, such as rotating between phishing attacks, phone scams, and in-person scenarios, keeps the learning experience fresh.

Recognition and Rewards

Recognizing employees who excel in security awareness is a powerful way to maintain engagement and encourage continued learning.

Implement a recognition and rewards system where top performers—those who successfully identify phishing attempts or consistently demonstrate strong security practices—are acknowledged.

Additionally, designate Security Champions—employees who go above and beyond in promoting security best practices. These champions can act as advocates within their teams, helping to reinforce training and encourage accountability.

Ongoing Education

Security threats are constantly evolving, making ongoing education crucial for maintaining a security-first culture.

Mid-year refresher courses are an effective way to keep employees engaged and updated on the latest threats. Targeted modules should address specific issues or security challenges encountered throughout the year, ensuring that the training is relevant and timely.

To maximize impact without overwhelming employees, keep these sessions brief—designed to be completed in under 10 minutes. Focus on key lessons, such as new phishing tactics or updated best practices for data handling.


Cyber threats facing hospitality are ever-present. A comprehensive, year-round approach to security awareness training strengthens defenses, lowers the risk of data breaches, and ensures regulatory compliance—all while fostering an engaged and security-conscious workforce.

Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t worry. VENZA, the leading experts in hospitality data protection, offers tailored training solutions to match your portfolio’s unique needs.

Ready to get started? Contact Sales to discuss signing up for our programs or adding new solutions to your contract.


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Human Firewall

Training your personnel to recognize and report phishing attempts is essential to protecting your guests and their data. Get started by determining your risk and readiness level using this free tool.


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