From Data to Action: Enhancing Security Awareness Training with Intelligent Reporting

In hospitality, where the protection of data is paramount, having well-trained employees isn’t just a nicety—it’s a necessity.

While the importance of security awareness training is well understood by general managers, there’s another piece of the puzzle that’s equally vital: ensuring that training is completed and understood. This is where reporting and data analysis come into play.

Unfortunately, despite this insight, hospitality remains the single most undertrained sector of the economy.

Here’s how to get the most out of your security awareness training reports and effectively analyze data to foster a culture of security within your organization.

1. Setting Targets

Start by understanding the industry benchmarks. For instance, if the average completion rate for security awareness training in the hospitality industry is 80%, you might aim for 90%. Having a target gives direction to your efforts and helps quantify success.

2. Segmenting Data

Segmenting your data can offer rich insights. Rather than looking at an overall completion percentage, break it down:

*By departments: Does the front desk have a higher completion rate than the housekeeping team?

*By demographics: Are younger employees completing the training at different rates compared to older colleagues?

*By tenure: Are new hires more engaged in the training than veterans?

Segmentation can help pinpoint where additional attention or resources might be needed.

3. Trend Analysis

Instead of just focusing on a snapshot of current completion rates, analyze trends over time. If completion rates are increasing, your training methods or reminders might be effective. If there’s a decline, it could indicate fatigue, a need for refreshed content, or a change in motivation.

4. Actionable Insights

Always translate your findings into actionable insights. If the data shows that a particular team is consistently lagging, it might be time for a sit-down with the department head. Maybe they need additional resources, or perhaps they aren’t aware of the importance of the training. Data alone isn’t enough—it’s the actions you take based on that data that make a difference.

7. Regularly Update Stakeholders

Keep key stakeholders updated about training completion rates. Regular reports can keep the importance of security awareness top of mind and might also serve as a motivating factor for managers to encourage their teams.

8. Peer Comparison

Create a bit of healthy competition by allowing departments or teams to see how they fare against their peers. A leaderboard showcasing teams with the highest completion rates can motivate teams to engage more with the training.


Reports and data analysis are not just administrative tasks—they’re powerful tools in the hands of general managers.

By understanding and leveraging these insights, you can create an environment where data protection is part of the very fabric of your organization’s culture. So, dive deep into those numbers and let them guide you towards a more secure future!

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