Choosing to See Security Differently
Sometimes the trees require so much tending that we no longer see the forest.
OK—perhaps that is a bit of a tortured aphorism. But hopefully you follow.
The point is: the obligations of day-to-day life often conspire to make considered reflection about how and why we do what we do difficult.
In this light, this week’s feature of the VENZA Echo encourages you to take a strategic pause. Set aside just a few minutes today to join us in thinking through an essential but often overlooked topic: how we choose to see security.
Expected vs. Degenerate Views
In social science, there is a well-known concept called “framing,” popularized by the trailblazing linguist George Lakoff. According to this theory, frames are always-present, but often unstated or subliminal, lenses that color how we see the world. For example, based on some underlying variable like family upbringing, economic status, or cultural foundation, individuals might be predisposed to view the world as either competitive or cooperative. That gesture from another employee at work might be seen as helpful and kind—or as cynical or manipulative—depending on the frame that is applied to it.
This happens at the level of cognition and language but can also extend to the visual. Perception is not simply a mainline to reality, but how images and ideas we encounter are filtered through our mental programming. In other words, what we literally see can be powerfully influenced by our expectations and beliefs.
Herein lies the difference between the Expected View (that which is common) and what has been coined as the Degenerate View (that which is uncommon).
See For Yourself
Take the following image as an example:

What do you see?
Perhaps it looks like a street sign. Maybe a globe tilted on its axis. Perhaps a slotted screw. Maybe you see something else.
There is no “right” answer. (Don’t worry—this is not a test!)
These responses are, perhaps surprisingly, examples of a degenerate view. You’ll see why in just a moment.
How would you feel if you were told that the image was actually a top-down view of this?

That answer is probably unexpected. That is because object recognition is influenced by context and perspective. It is known that our understanding of an object’s shape and form depends significantly on its orientation relative to us.
The latter image shows the paint can from a side perspective, which is how we typically see and recognize cylindrical objects in everyday life. The first image shows the paint can from directly above, revealing only its circular top, which is a less familiar perspective and thus more difficult to recognize.
Why This Matters
The exercise above is a call to ask yourself: if we see what we expect to see, what might we be missing?
Is the guest coming to the front desk asking for a replacement key “normal”, one of the dozens who do so every day?
How about that USB that is brought to you to print an item for work?
What about the email you just received with an invoice attached requesting payment?
In all of these situations, there is an expected pattern of behaviour. The vast majority of interactions (and, if you are lucky, every previous example) are benign. There is no safety or security risk. The request is normal, proper, and innocuous.
We become trained to operate as though all interactions will continue to be so. We fly on autopilot.
What is lost is the sense of the very real risk that lurks: data thieves, social manipulators, scammers looking for a quick buck.
Like the top-down view of the paint bucket, you won’t see them unless you are intentional and know what you are looking for.
VENZA offers “security awareness training”. A key word here is awareness—the heightened vigilance against threats that is driven by an acute understanding that threats are both possible and real.
The response is not to be paranoid or inherently distrustful—but to keep your radar up and be ready to spot those “outlier cases” when they appear.
Feeling overwhelmed? Don’t be. VENZA is here to help. Cybersecurity is complex, but in partnership with us, your company can get started in as little as one month. Get a live demonstration today by contacting our Customer Success Team.
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