VENZA Rolls Out Weekly SAQ Demonstrations to Simplify PCI DSS Compliance

VENZA Rolls Out Weekly SAQ Demonstrations

VENZA, the leading provider of data protection and regulatory compliance tools for the hospitality industry, has announced the creation of live demonstrations to assist hoteliers in completing elements of the PCI DSS Self-Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ) process. This new informational opportunity adds to a growing library of free resources available to VENZA clients. Beginning in January, VENZA began weekly PCI DSS instructional sessions for hotel General Managers.

Data Privacy Compliance Checklist

Data Privacy Compliance Checklist

Many companies are subject to multiple data privacy laws from different jurisdictions. Each may have varying requirements and can change over time. To provide general guidance about the common types of data privacy rules, VENZA has prepared the following checklist of important items to consider when designing your organization’s data privacy policies.

ISO Updates Standard 27001

ISO Updates Standard 27001

On October 25, 2022, the International Organization for Standards (ISO) announced revisions to its ISO/IEC 27001 standard, which aims to protect the integrity and confidentiality of an organization’s data through an information security management system (ISMS). 

As the global standards-setting body and one that provides important certifications for many businesses, it is important to stay on top of what has changed and how it can impact you moving forward.

Cat and Mouse: Hacking MFA and How to Stay Ahead

Cat and Mouse: Hacking MFA

Multi-factor authentication, or MFA, has become a leading cybersecurity tool. By adding an additional log-in requirement from a secondary source, MFA makes traditional password hacking through brute force attacks or social engineering much more difficult. 

GDPR: Accor subject to a fine of 600,000 euros

ACCOR Hotels

The French hotel group is accused of having carried out “commercial prospecting without the consent of the persons concerned” and of “not having respected the rights of customers and prospects”, indicates the CNIL in a press release.

VENZA Cybersecurity Threats Guide

VENZA Cybersecurity Threats Guide

The Facts and The Consequences Get the “The Facts” and “The Consequences” of cybersecurity threats facing the hospitality industry along with the solutions provided by VENZA and CyberTek in this […]

How We’re Creating the Best Hospitality Workplace on Earth

Company Culture

As Howard Stevenson once said, “Maintaining an effective culture is so important that it, in fact, trumps even strategy.” This quote from Harvard Business School professor makes me wonder: What does it take to create the best hospitality technology company on earth to work for? At Venza, we believe the answer lies in our core values and creating the right company culture.