5 Min of Style Notes: 01/30/13

Thanks to those who attended.

Today we discussed how in order to develop a Learning Strategy we must provide situational awareness research which we call a Current State Assessment. At the Venza Group we have  three components and the Five Elements that must be researched in order to provide a holistic current state analysis.

The discussion covered the following Five Elements:


  • Technology – Assess the educational technology(ies) currently in use.
  • Content – Assess the current training materials as well as define how the content is developed and/or acquired.
  • Administration and Support – Assess how organizations conduct training courses, worldwide, on systems and processes. Additionally, we assess user ID and password generation support capabilities and if learning administrators possess a level of familiarity with the training materials.
  • Communication – Research how organizations communicate the available training materials.
  • Financial Analysis – Assess the financial parameters that organizations have for training and education.